Got back from Sydney yesturday and let's just say the trip wasn't exactly what I had in mind or expected, far from it. Let's just say that this never ending story has an incredibly evident theme of pure and utter legitimate STUPIDITY.
The unforgettable night that was forgotten
After arriving at the airport on time, my silly flight decided to be delayed. It was already a pretty late flight so by the time I arrived in Sydney it was 10:00pm. Then it took 30-40mins to travel from the airport to my friend's home, lets call her 'Chubzy' (which was located near George Street just before The Four Season Hotel) via car and because it was a Saturday night, it was hectic as to navigate through the city. So I arrived at her place close to 11:00pm then after dropping my bags off and doing all the usually greetings we left at 11:30pm and met up with some guy friends lets call them J,T and S.
By this stage we were all contemplating what to do at this late hour and after walking in new, unworn wedged heels for 10-15mins in freezing and slippery conditions on top of having nothing to eat or drink since 2:00pm that day, I was getting pretty frustrated. Most places we went were either full, had too long of a waiting time, or were closing too early. So finally after 'hiking' through an alley way (I think I should also mention that I have never once been in a creepy dark smokers alley way whilst in Australia but I guess Chubzy likes to show me all the different cultures Sydney has to offer) and almost tripping humiliatingly in public, we found a place and we pretty much couldn't care less that it closes semi early like around 2:20am. We sat, ordered, and I drank my cup of water like there was no tomorrow. I was literally that thirsty that I didn't even break lip-cup contact, I downed the cup of water in one go and if I could, I would have drunk straight from the jug.
We ordered a hot pot and some fried chicken which were so yummy! I love Korean food ♥ Then four bottles of Soju, four cans of Hite, and three soft drinks, needless to say we didn't stop there. We started to play drinking games and 'originally' I wasn't drinking AT ALL, boyyy was I wrong. I lost the second game and S decided to guilt me into drinking and I actually felt bad because everyone else had to drink when losing so of course I should drink too. And I did. BAD MOVE. 1 shot down. Next game I lost again because everyone was targeting me plus Chubzy didn't help by throwing me under the bus. 'Originally' we had made an unspoken alliance but she decided that I was losing anyway, might as well just contribute to losing quicker. Basically the game was a description game and everyone gets a turn to say a type of description like 'blue eyes' which means everyone who has blue eyes is down one point. You start with five points all together (we just use our hand to keep track) and the first person/s with zero has to drink. I had about two points left and T just had to say my name and that was it. He wasn't even trying to hide the targeting and now thinking about it, my name isn't exactly a description -_- Anyway one point left away from drinking and it was Chubzy's turn, my hopes were high and I even thought that I wouldn't have to drink this round. But nooo. Alliance broken, backs turned, betrayal and back stabbing, cut deep. From there I drank 3-4 more shots but only quarter ones that were diluted by Fanta but still adding it all together ontop of being a lightweight and basically having no food in my system, it was not going well for me. I get the worse throbbing headaches, sleepy spells, and racing heart whenever I drink and that night was no exception. Sitting down wasn't too bad but as soon as I stood up, everything thing hit me and I felt foul. I didn't need to throw up but I felt really sick so I induced vomited to get rid of the alcohol and felt so much better.
Whilst in the bathroom chucking my guts out like three times, each time people at my table were still doing shots of Soju including Chubzy. By the second time of puking, she came to the bathroom to throw up too. Then after my third time she went and tried to throw up. This is where the story gets interesting. Oh and somewhere in all this mess, we decided that we'd go clubbing afterwards lol
I walk into the bathroom to check on her and found bloody toilet paper on the floor in her stall. I went to the cubical next to her and stood on the toilet to check on her because she wouldn't open the door and there was blood on the seat, in the toilet bowl, on the ground, just everywhere. After screaming to her to unlock the door, she opened it and she had blood all in her mouth. At first I thought it was her teeth but it was just her lip. Turns out as she was about to throw up, she had slipped and hit her mouth on the metal casing where toilet paper is contained. By this stage she was obviously pretty drunk and talking crazy talk, couldn't understand any of her train of thoughts. She kept saying to not tell the guys about the bleeding or else they'd know we were losing or something weird like that. Pretty sure we lost the game ages ago when she betrayed me haha.
After we got back I was mainly focusing on not puking again and just drinking more water. Then for some reason two more dishes of food came out. I was like 'WTH, no way we can eat this. Who ordered it?' Apparently Chubzy had, never let a drunk idiot order anything. I had no idea what Chubzy was doing but she went to the bathroom a short while later and the boys were telling me to go check on her which now thinking about it sounds so stupid. I wasn't drunk but they clearly thought I was so telling one drunk person to look after another isn't exactly the best idea, boys are silly. I went to the bathroom and she wasn't in there. I went outside the restaurant and she wasn't there either. I went BACK to the bathroom and she still wasn't there. I went to the table and asked the guys if she had come back and no she hadn't.
So for a legit 20-30mins she was lost, we couldn't find her at all and the restaurant was closing. I think by this stage you can tell that we didn't end up going clubbing. Apparently she had taken her mobile with her before she left so we all kept calling her. She answered the phone and said not to worry because she was almost home then hung up, it takes like 10mins by taxis to get to hers, pretty sure she couldn't get to her place that fast my foot whilst drunk. We kept calling but there was no answer. By then there was no one left in the restaurant and we were asked to leave. So we packed everything up, didn't even touch the second batch of food but I think the guys still had to pay for it. After gathering all of Chubzy's things, I realised that her jacket was still there. So basically she was running around in the freezing cold city, drunk as a skunk doing God knows what.
We finally found her and it was only because she some how stumbled her way back to the vicinity of the restaurant. I don't know how she managed not to get run over but she was found on the street diagonally across from the restaurant, so across the street from the street that was across from the restaurant. My explaination is weird lol let me draw you a visual.
We ordered a hot pot and some fried chicken which were so yummy! I love Korean food ♥ Then four bottles of Soju, four cans of Hite, and three soft drinks, needless to say we didn't stop there. We started to play drinking games and 'originally' I wasn't drinking AT ALL, boyyy was I wrong. I lost the second game and S decided to guilt me into drinking and I actually felt bad because everyone else had to drink when losing so of course I should drink too. And I did. BAD MOVE. 1 shot down. Next game I lost again because everyone was targeting me plus Chubzy didn't help by throwing me under the bus. 'Originally' we had made an unspoken alliance but she decided that I was losing anyway, might as well just contribute to losing quicker. Basically the game was a description game and everyone gets a turn to say a type of description like 'blue eyes' which means everyone who has blue eyes is down one point. You start with five points all together (we just use our hand to keep track) and the first person/s with zero has to drink. I had about two points left and T just had to say my name and that was it. He wasn't even trying to hide the targeting and now thinking about it, my name isn't exactly a description -_- Anyway one point left away from drinking and it was Chubzy's turn, my hopes were high and I even thought that I wouldn't have to drink this round. But nooo. Alliance broken, backs turned, betrayal and back stabbing, cut deep. From there I drank 3-4 more shots but only quarter ones that were diluted by Fanta but still adding it all together ontop of being a lightweight and basically having no food in my system, it was not going well for me. I get the worse throbbing headaches, sleepy spells, and racing heart whenever I drink and that night was no exception. Sitting down wasn't too bad but as soon as I stood up, everything thing hit me and I felt foul. I didn't need to throw up but I felt really sick so I induced vomited to get rid of the alcohol and felt so much better.
Whilst in the bathroom chucking my guts out like three times, each time people at my table were still doing shots of Soju including Chubzy. By the second time of puking, she came to the bathroom to throw up too. Then after my third time she went and tried to throw up. This is where the story gets interesting. Oh and somewhere in all this mess, we decided that we'd go clubbing afterwards lol
I walk into the bathroom to check on her and found bloody toilet paper on the floor in her stall. I went to the cubical next to her and stood on the toilet to check on her because she wouldn't open the door and there was blood on the seat, in the toilet bowl, on the ground, just everywhere. After screaming to her to unlock the door, she opened it and she had blood all in her mouth. At first I thought it was her teeth but it was just her lip. Turns out as she was about to throw up, she had slipped and hit her mouth on the metal casing where toilet paper is contained. By this stage she was obviously pretty drunk and talking crazy talk, couldn't understand any of her train of thoughts. She kept saying to not tell the guys about the bleeding or else they'd know we were losing or something weird like that. Pretty sure we lost the game ages ago when she betrayed me haha.
After we got back I was mainly focusing on not puking again and just drinking more water. Then for some reason two more dishes of food came out. I was like 'WTH, no way we can eat this. Who ordered it?' Apparently Chubzy had, never let a drunk idiot order anything. I had no idea what Chubzy was doing but she went to the bathroom a short while later and the boys were telling me to go check on her which now thinking about it sounds so stupid. I wasn't drunk but they clearly thought I was so telling one drunk person to look after another isn't exactly the best idea, boys are silly. I went to the bathroom and she wasn't in there. I went outside the restaurant and she wasn't there either. I went BACK to the bathroom and she still wasn't there. I went to the table and asked the guys if she had come back and no she hadn't.
So for a legit 20-30mins she was lost, we couldn't find her at all and the restaurant was closing. I think by this stage you can tell that we didn't end up going clubbing. Apparently she had taken her mobile with her before she left so we all kept calling her. She answered the phone and said not to worry because she was almost home then hung up, it takes like 10mins by taxis to get to hers, pretty sure she couldn't get to her place that fast my foot whilst drunk. We kept calling but there was no answer. By then there was no one left in the restaurant and we were asked to leave. So we packed everything up, didn't even touch the second batch of food but I think the guys still had to pay for it. After gathering all of Chubzy's things, I realised that her jacket was still there. So basically she was running around in the freezing cold city, drunk as a skunk doing God knows what.
We finally found her and it was only because she some how stumbled her way back to the vicinity of the restaurant. I don't know how she managed not to get run over but she was found on the street diagonally across from the restaurant, so across the street from the street that was across from the restaurant. My explaination is weird lol let me draw you a visual.
So the red square is where the restaurant is and the circle is where we found her wondering.
She had chunks of vomit in her hair, her eyeliner was smudged and she looked like someone took a dump on her face. We got her back to the restaurant side and I struggled so much just to help her walk and stay still. She resisted so much just trying to get her jacket on. I tried to find her phone which was no where to be found. I patted her down and there was nothing. Basically she had lost her phone. She then started to become even MORE uncontrollable. She was running around everywhere, wouldn't stop or listen to anyone. After a bit more puking and rolling around on the ground, I should also mention that her jacket is all white lol, we shoved her into a taxi. Most difficult thing because I was literally throwing her into it and she wouldn't move any further to let anyone else into that side of the door and because the taxi stopped in the middle of the road, I was hurrying like crazy to get it. I then had to climb over her just to get in. S took the front seat and told the driver where to go. We left T and J behind and they eventually managed to meet up with us.
Whilst in the MOVING taxi Chubzy decided that she didn't want to be there. Her hand reached for the handle and I almost screamed. She is so skinny and you'd think she is the weakest person but alcohol must be her spinach because I could barely prye her hands off the handle. Biggest struggle in the back seat and all the while S in the front was having a lovely discussion with the driver about being busy tonight or not -_- lol She finally calmed down and fell asleep on my lap which in a way was good but keep in mind she had chunks of vomit in her hair, some of it ended up on her shoes, and who else know where. I was getting sick from the smell of vomit but luckly we arrived at her place, kinda. The driver dropped us off at the other end of the street but we hopped of anyway. S came and help me get her out of the taxi and she collapsed on the edge of the road. She wouldn't get up, not even just to get on the side walk and off the road. After having to pull her lifeless like body, we managed to get her on the side walk where she just sat in the corner. Then came a few random drunk people who were such kind people. They were drunk but still offered to help her. They gave her some water which help her vomit up more. She was acutally getting better UNTIL.... The other two guys came. J decided or I guess was an idiot and didn't think things through, he push one the girls who was trying to help Chubzy, in order to get to her. This stired up SO much shit. The girl wasn't drunk but was clearly pissed off but her boyfriend was even more pissed of and this guy was HUGE! He was so angry but wasn't irrational or anything even though he was drunk. I don't think he wanted to start a fight or was even going to but he was just defending his girl. He was saying 'You should never push a girl, you have no right to do that' And I was completely on his side. That was a dick move. All of them where being good people and trying to help us out, I would be pissed off too if I got shoved after going out of my way to help a random person out. The guy was so pissed off, he told all his friends to leave and stopping helping us. Which I totally understand. This guy 'friend', J was beginning to piss me off!
Then after alot more random murmurings and incoherent sentences from Chubzy, she was mainly saying that she didn't want the guys to be there or to see her vomit, she only wanted me to be there. But because she was drunk, I was telling the guys just to quickly get her up to her apartment. She got so mad at me for this. Whilst dragging, pushing and forcing her to walk, She began angrily speaking to me. Saying that I was a horrible friend and how I don't listen to her. By this stage all the serious drama had built up in me and I just cracked my head off in laughter. I couldn't control how funny her angry was to me. This pissed her off even more. She tried to escape from my presence and S had to literally pick her up and run towards the apartment. She was kicking her legs like crazy in the air and made carrying her a difficult job. I later found out that he was pretty wasted at that stage too but I honestly couldn't tell. The drunk helping the drunk lol.
We got to the apartment and was let up by her mother which was another issue in itself. But first we had to get her into the elevator. She wouldn't even let me touch her, she was resisting all reason and by the time we actually got into the apartment she some how still had the capacity to take off her jacket and shoes and snuggle up on the couch. I went to go help make her comfortable on the couch whilst the guys were explain to her mother what had happen and since they were talking in a different language, I had no idea what was going on. Chubzy then started to cry like out of nowhere, her mother came to ask her what had happened and if it was the guys who had upset her. Of course she replies by saying 'No, the guys are good guys. It's Yan, she's a bad friend'
A BAD FRIEND!?! All I did was help and take care of her all night and she was calling 'ME' a bad friend. Then her mother talked to the guys some more and apparently they were fighting, according to drunk Chubzy. By that time it was past 4am and everyone called it quits. I washed my face and went to bed.
Now here is my little insert rant. I had to sleep on the floor which I wasn't complaining about, I was happy that I at least had a place to stay for free. But I was in the same room as another girl who is literally batshit crazy! I'm not even kidding. I thought it was freezing when I was at the restaurant or when I was looking for Chubzy but the later/earlier it got, the colder it got. This girl apparently like to sleep with the window open...WTF!?! I honestly thought I was loony for wanting to wear shorts with stockings underneath to Sydney but this girl... I was freezing cold
but I didn't even realise this until the morning when I woke up complaining about the cold, Chubzy's sister told me that she sleeps with it open ALL THE TIME. Then I was informed that this crazy chick complains about it being hot. It's like 10 degrees, who the eff in the right mind would think it's hot. Even if it was hot, you wouldn't sleep with the window open in winter. It's called the common cold or a virus or the flu, ya dumb arse!
I later found out that she gets sick alot, no wonder -_- Dumb arse chick that is batshit crazy! The next few night I got to sleep with more blankets and the mother closed the window for me when she fell asleep. I didn't dare close it since the window is directly above her bed. But I'm pretty certain that when I woke up the window was still open so she must have opened it throughout the night. I was actually beginning to get a bit sick because of the batshit crazy girl
The morning after, I got up at 9am and Chubzy apparently woke up to the sound of my voice. She said she felt perfectly fine, no hangovers or anything just found it weird that she had the taste of blood in her mouth. Her sister asked her where her phone was to which she replied that it was in her bag LOL She had completely forgotten everything that had happened. The last thing she apparently remembers is reading a facebook status post around the time before I began throwing up and after I was losing heaps of games. For some reason I remember this to be pretty early, maybe not even the middle of the night so for her memory to had faded from near the start would have to mean that she got drunk, fast!
We spend most of the morning talking about her mishaps and shenanigans. Chubzy was so annoyed that she lost her mobile, she couldn't even laugh at the hilarity of the night. She felt like it was the hangover movie haha. I couldn't believe she had no memory of ordering the second lot of food or hitting her lip, she wasn't even that far gone at that stage, or even having no slight bit of a hangover. It was like nothing had happened. Crazy crazy girl! We contacted S and T in the morning and they were equally surprised that she was fine. S even said that he'd never get her drunk again because he had to carry her that night haha.
Basic summary is that Chubzy got really really drunk, did some stupid things like busting up her lip and losing her phone, and she somehow ended up to be perfectly fine but had no recollection of anything.
Keep an eye out for chapter 2 and many more chapters plus pictures to come!
We got to the apartment and was let up by her mother which was another issue in itself. But first we had to get her into the elevator. She wouldn't even let me touch her, she was resisting all reason and by the time we actually got into the apartment she some how still had the capacity to take off her jacket and shoes and snuggle up on the couch. I went to go help make her comfortable on the couch whilst the guys were explain to her mother what had happen and since they were talking in a different language, I had no idea what was going on. Chubzy then started to cry like out of nowhere, her mother came to ask her what had happened and if it was the guys who had upset her. Of course she replies by saying 'No, the guys are good guys. It's Yan, she's a bad friend'
Now here is my little insert rant. I had to sleep on the floor which I wasn't complaining about, I was happy that I at least had a place to stay for free. But I was in the same room as another girl who is literally batshit crazy! I'm not even kidding. I thought it was freezing when I was at the restaurant or when I was looking for Chubzy but the later/earlier it got, the colder it got. This girl apparently like to sleep with the window open...WTF!?! I honestly thought I was loony for wanting to wear shorts with stockings underneath to Sydney but this girl... I was freezing cold
A little prologue of chapter two
The morning after, I got up at 9am and Chubzy apparently woke up to the sound of my voice. She said she felt perfectly fine, no hangovers or anything just found it weird that she had the taste of blood in her mouth. Her sister asked her where her phone was to which she replied that it was in her bag LOL She had completely forgotten everything that had happened. The last thing she apparently remembers is reading a facebook status post around the time before I began throwing up and after I was losing heaps of games. For some reason I remember this to be pretty early, maybe not even the middle of the night so for her memory to had faded from near the start would have to mean that she got drunk, fast!
We spend most of the morning talking about her mishaps and shenanigans. Chubzy was so annoyed that she lost her mobile, she couldn't even laugh at the hilarity of the night. She felt like it was the hangover movie haha. I couldn't believe she had no memory of ordering the second lot of food or hitting her lip, she wasn't even that far gone at that stage, or even having no slight bit of a hangover. It was like nothing had happened. Crazy crazy girl! We contacted S and T in the morning and they were equally surprised that she was fine. S even said that he'd never get her drunk again because he had to carry her that night haha.
Basic summary is that Chubzy got really really drunk, did some stupid things like busting up her lip and losing her phone, and she somehow ended up to be perfectly fine but had no recollection of anything.
ReplyDeleteoh crap posted that comment before i saw chubzy getting hurt D: i hope shes ok... TT TT
ReplyDeleteHaha yeah she's fine now :)