Instagram username: yannnieee

Friday, May 25, 2012

To be continued...

So the reason why I haven't been blogging the rest of my Sydney trip is mainly because I don't have any pictures. Yes pictures were taken, I am Asian and female after all, it's like in my nature to take pictures of EVERYTHING. But I didn't take my camera with me because I was worried about my baggage going over the weight limit plus my travel bag was actually really small so only clothes and makeup fit. It was actually the biggest mission packing all the things I bought over there into my already full bag lol. 
For most of the trip I was with Chubzy so I used her camera and then on the last night we used another friends camera. So I am currently waiting for them to send me the pictures before I proceed. No pictures were taken on night one so that's why I went ahead and blogged about it. And that's why that post is more like an essay rather than show 'n' tell. 
Also another huge reason as to why I haven't been blogging is because I have an assignment due soon and end of semester exams are coming up in about 2 weeks or so. So I am super stressing since I barely did any work before Sydney and all I do now is procrastinate :( 

So I am sorry that I am keeping you waiting but I am constantly nagging my friends to send me the pictures and whenever I decided to procrastinate I will be typing away :) 
Hope to tell all soon!!

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