New Hair cut!! Not really new any more considering it was two weeks ago but meh it's still 'technically' new... I kinda couldn't think of anything to blog about for this week so yeahhh this is probably gonna be a pretty boring post about random new this and thats.
My bad
I got my dead ends chopped off at Glams hair studio located in Surfers Paradise. My hair dresser was the wonderful Masaki and he did a fantastic job. So happy with it even though it is simple. I got it slightly layered at the front for the short-to-long face framing effect and also a bit in the inner layers to reduce the 'heavy' 'thickened' look. Then at the back I had about 4cm cut off for a straight cut to even the length out.
I also bought this Maybelline Illegal Length Mascara purely because Michelle Phan highly recommended it. It was in one of her older videos where she does an on-the-go review and she stated that this was discontinued but it was the best drugstore lengthening mascara. Now I'm not sure about the discontinuation, maybe they haven't discontinued it in Australia or maybe Maybelline brought it back, not too sure. But for the product effectiveness I have to say I'm not all that thrilled with it. I had really high expectation and this just didn't lengthen my lashes like the packaging said it would. It did lengthen them somewhat but not to the extent of 4mm which is what it had been claiming to do. Also this did nothing in the volume department, if you don't curl your lashes before application then you'll just end up with lashes coming straight out. I know that this had no claim what-so-ever about volume but I guess it just added to the disappointment.
I also bought Bio-oil for some unsightly scars. I've been pretty inconsistent with it since purchasing it and honestly this isn't a product that is suited for me. I know it says oil in the name but I really didn't think it would literally be oil. I put this on after taking a shower at night and I feel like I need to take another one afterwards because I feels so.. well... oily. It's not a good feeling. It says that I need to use it twice a day for at least 3 months. After using it at night, I can't at all put this on in the morning and go about my day with an oily surface skin. At using it for 3 months is ridiculous, is it really too much to ask for something to work now? hmm maybe. Also it's not just that it is oily, it's oily and it gets everywhere. After application, my whole bathroom is a mess with this stuff then having to try to clean it up with oily hands and oily legs and just everything is oily. I can not stress this enough. I fricken' don't like oily things.
I've stopped using this and I think I will put it on the back burner for now. At least until I forget why I dislike this so much and then I will probably rediscover my dislike for it, ah the vicious stupidity cycle.
Oh and this horrid thing is new too. Well kinda new. I dropped this about 2-3weeks ago and it cracked. I was saddened of course but considering I've had this phone (Iphone 3) for about 6-7ish years now, it's not surprising that it finally starts to deteriorate. On the plus side it cracked on the inside so I'm not worried about cutting my fingers when texting. This phone has been through a lot because of me and it's always stuck by me. I've dropped it countless times and I've even dropped it in a bucket of water. Submerged in it's watery grave, I thought all hope was lost for this mobile. But somehow it survived and has lived to see another day. Still working like a charm... kinda. It is extremely slow and lags a lot but it's my trusty companion. Yeah I'm a little sentimental.
My bad
I got my dead ends chopped off at Glams hair studio located in Surfers Paradise. My hair dresser was the wonderful Masaki and he did a fantastic job. So happy with it even though it is simple. I got it slightly layered at the front for the short-to-long face framing effect and also a bit in the inner layers to reduce the 'heavy' 'thickened' look. Then at the back I had about 4cm cut off for a straight cut to even the length out.
♡ Before Shot ♡
I got the waterproof version because I have super oily eyelids and anything but waterproof would just end up making me look like a panda. When they say waterproof they mean business they should also put on the label that it is also makeup removing facial wash proof. I could not get this stuff off my lashes, I literally had to start pulling at them to rip of the mascara which is really bad, I know. I tried using make removing wipes which seems to work fine but for everyday use the removal process is pretty annoying.
There are some pro's: doesn't clump even when adding more coats; doesn't flake; and doesn't smudge.
Overall it's not a super bad mascara so I will continue to use it but I wouldn't buy it again.
I've stopped using this and I think I will put it on the back burner for now. At least until I forget why I dislike this so much and then I will probably rediscover my dislike for it, ah the vicious stupidity cycle.
♡ New threads ♡
The jeans is from dotti and was on sale for $40. I think my butt looks good it in plus the pants seem to hold in all my loose blubber and my legs look normal lol
Also you may notice something else new in this pictures.
Any ideas yet?
Something red.
New phone case hehe that white pearl one was getting so gross and way too old. I got this red one to match my car and bag hehe ^^
It just goes to show you how much Apple has downgraded in product durability. I mean Iphone 4 screen's crack instantly, the moment you receive your phone it might as well shatter in your finger tips. Let me also clarify by saying that I am not a safe or steady handed person, I should not be given nice things. I lose things, I dirty things, I drop things, and I also shatter things. I am not good at keeping things intact. So giving me a phone like the Iphone 4 would be a joke. Unfortunately I am waiting for the Iphone 5 to come out and I sadly already am expecting the same outcomes. At the same time I am hopeful that the Iphone 4 successor will have improved significantly in the durability department, or else I'll be stuck with this 3 for the rest of my life since clearly it is the only phone that I should be allowed to possess in my hands of mass destruction.
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