This tea has basically replaced water for me, not that I drink that much water to begin with. I started drinking this tea about 4-5ish months ago as my parents had told me that it is good for overall health and keeps the natural 'flow' of things running smoothly, if you catch me drift. Let me tell you, they were not wrong. My 'flow' is well.. flowing. I drink about 1-2 cups in the morning and I'm set. I like to keeping drinking throughout the day even when I've already 'flown' just to continue the 'flow' for the next day. Am I saying flow too much? lol sorry.
I thought I would share some of the ingredients with you since it's all natural and super simple, cheap and quick. And if you are like me, tired of using other means to expel the 'waste' that isn't as natural such as laxative, even though laxatives can claim to be natural this is so much better than that. Plus you can also become reliant on that stuff while this can improve bowl motions now and for the future. You only need 4 ingredients. 1. Dried boxphone fruit 2. Dried Chrysanthemum 3. Dried honey suckle and lastly 4. H2O or more commonly known as water, boiled water is preferred for this. I'm not too sure if all the other ingredients have to be dried, I suppose it doesn't since it's just going to be re-hydrated anyway but for convenience purposes dried is the better option since you can store this away for longer and you won't have too keep running out to get more supplies.
Anyway it's pretty simple. I just put a little bit of each ingredient in and then add the hot water and drink away, after it's cooled of course. I like to make a big batch and just keep adding hot water and it usually lasts me about 2-3 days until it goes off, depending on the weather.
Taste wise, it's pretty much like normal tea. It's not really a strong intense tea taste. It's really nice and I like it but in saying that I do remember the first time drinking it and I didn't really, let's just say 'jump for joy'. It wasn't bad but it wasn't what I was expecting. It had a sweet taste, probably because of the honey suckle, that surprised me a bit. But after a few more sips I got use to it.
And yes, I drink my tea from a massive Heineken beer glass. Because that's the way I roll!
And can I just say: Asian Herbal teas for the win!
And can I just say: Asian Herbal teas for the win!
Now for a bit for boring information about the ingredients for those who may be interested. If your not interested I really recommend you not read, not kidding when I say it's super boring. I can not make research sound interesting, I now understand why all my lectures are so boring.
So even though on my packaging it say 'Dried Boxphone Fruit' it is actually called dried 'boxthorn' fruit, must have been a bad Asian translation thing. It has commonly been used in Asian remedies for antibacterial purposes. It reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, helps with vertigo, lumbago, weak eyes, nose bleeds, asthma, and general weakness.
Chrysanthemum is mostly known for it's cooling properties (boxthorn fruit also has this quality). It also helps with slowing down the aging process and age related blindness because of the B carotene within the center of the flower,it is then converted into Vitamin A. Vitamin A also is very good for skin problems and enhancing the immune system. It also has Vitamin B and C which has many good things to offer as well. There's a heap more about the amazing properties of this flower but I think you get the point. It's freaking great.
Honeysuckle contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, Rutin, a nutrient that enhances the effectiveness of vitamin C, and Quercetin, an acid that fights free radicals. It is used to ease sore joints, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, relieve depression and treat asthma. Like chrysanthemum is has multiple benefits that are more than a handful to list.
These ingredients all together make a great herbal tea and flush out all the impurities from your system for a natural detox.
So to you I say cheers and drink up! 
Yummy-yummy!!! :D