Had a pretty epic strawberry ice-cream and kiddy rides filled day with Miss 'Meng-Hsi Lo' aka Kristy.
After being recommended by multiple people that the strawberry ice-cream at the Ekka was worth sinking my teeth into, it promptly became top of my list when I arrived. Unfortunately no one decided to be specific about which ice-cream stall it was and I suppose they presumed there was only one. Well I arrived and there were three. So what was a girl suppose to do? Yup fatty yan tried them all. Well basically all, I guess I'm not that much of a fatty as we all thought, aye.
I think we hit jackpot with the stall located near the back, at least that's the way it's mapped out in my head. It looked particularly 'fancy'...as fancy as you can get at a carnival.
We also went on some kiddy rides and I fully reconnect with the my inner child and her love of the ride that got away. Bit of a tangent story but I'm gonna tell it anyway.
It was a long long long longggg time ago when this majestic 'metaphorical flying bird' was still just a wee little duckling. It was a time when I hadn't grown big and strong yet, when I still laughed with care free naiveity. One day my mother and aunt took me and my cousin to... Dreamworld (ooooooooooh aaaaaaaaaah) the land of mystical wonders. Now me being tiny as a midget as you are when you are 5, there was limited rides I could actually be allowed on. My cousin, the little shit faced brat that he was (still dislike him to this day, multiple reasons), was younger than me and that meant that he was shorter than me therefore my limited rides meant zilch for him. Out of all the dozens of rides at Dreamworld, I was allowed on one. Now to my recollections it was a princess ride. Why? Because there were pictures of Disney Princess everywhere, I was a kid and I remember limited things lol. The ride was... no words really. It was that freakin' fantabulousss. I was 5 and my limited memory remembers that. Best ride in the history of DA WORLD. I was allowed on once and was not allowed back on because my shitty shit face cousin got ridiculously upset because he wasn't allowed on anything. Yeah I was super pissed for a 5 year old.
Anywayyy the point of this story is not to highlight when the angry devil inside of me began to manifest. The point is I was reunited once again with this glorious ride at the Ekka. It was like destiny brought us together, to meet and have the second ride I was denied, the ride I was born to ride! And dude let me just say that even now in my 'old age', THAT RIDE BLEW MY MIND! IT WAS EPICCC-CO!!!
These little monsters are by Roomnumberone and you can custom order whatever crazy doll you want.
They're emai: roomnumberone@hotmail.com
and they are on facebook too.
Yeah I just HAD to buy them. They're sooo cute!!!
I love the rainbow flower monster. And I got the other little freak for my mum since I knew she would die for the crazy lips and hair and the googlish eyes. These two were both from different lines, they have a alien animal thing like line which is the orange one and then just a whole bunch of others that just all look super craycray. Usually two from the alien animal line are $35 but since I got the pretty flower girl, she was from a bit more of an expensive line and they both ended up costing $37. So not too much more and I think it was super cheap and worth it overall. I should totes name them! hmmm..
Then Kristy and I both got Henna done. We stumbled upon a stall doing them and thought 'why not'. I got the Lotus flower printed on which stated that it is symbolic for compassion, I just got it cause it looked pretty lol.
Before we left the Ekka, we were both scammed into playing this silly ball tossing game. All we had to do was shoot 2 balls into the bucket and we would get any big toy prize we wanted. Only one of us had to accomplish this and both of us would get the toys each. We were both given chances, five times and $10 each so if your keeping score that $20. And we both bombed out the first time, made it the second and crapped out the third, fourth and fifth time. He offered us another chance. Another $10 for another chance each. Needless to say we both crapped out again. He did offer us compensatory plushies and hit on Kristy. He was touching her and calling her sexy, it was a little creep cause he was super sweaty and took $30 from us.
Afterwards we met up with two girlfriends for dinner at SunnyBank.
We had hot pot at a restaurant called Top HotPot
Followed by some flippin' amazing dessert at 'Meet Fresh', this Taiwanese dessert restaurant. We ordered the Supreme Mango Ice and the Traditional Herbal Ice.
Worn out, exhausted, and penny-less- yup I'd call that a good day. Unless of course I ended up that way because of a mugging, then I would say that it was a not so good day, but it didn't soooo... It's all good :)
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