Ugh once again I am sickeningly full! Full to the brim (lol reminds me of that Jessica Malboy song, so flipping good. Gonna go home and listen to that now haha)
After work my parents took me to Conrad Jupiters Casino and instead of breaking my heart and wallet, I decided to put my money to better use, for my taste buds that is, not so much for my belly. I'm expanding by the minute, soon I'm gonna have to trade in my shorts for mum jeans, my skinny jeans for sweat pants, and my skirts for overalls.
For four people we got a Beef Burger w/chips and a Club Sandwich w/chips. That makes it sounds a whole lot better when I say it was for four people. But if we're being honest, I had the whole beef burger to myself and ate half the plate of chips _| ̄|○ and before devouring that, I engulfed a plate of cheese and crackers... like a lot.
Regrets ensue quickly after and my mind set of dieting quickly dissipates. Diets can go SUCK IT! yeahhh I'm just gonna continue to gain weight at a alarming rate until I'm too heavy, big, and FAT to even be on the television show; biggest loser. When that day comes, I'm hoping euthanasia is legal and I would be eligible, who am I kidding, I'd definitely be eligible. Or plan B: rely on my friends to purchase a bazooka and bazooka the crap outta me. Why a bazooka? Well cause bazookas are freaking cool, I wanna kick this mortal coil in a firry blaze, and because a bazooka, next to a nuclear bomb or my own farts, might be the only thing by then to actually be able to take me out. I'm guessing a nuclear bomb may be a tad difficult to obtain considering the government may consider it a national threat but then again my overwhelming size would be too. And my farts that are pretty par and par with a nuclear bomb, a nuclear bomb being less deadly and easier to contain. Well by the time I reach the size I'm imaging, I don't think the gaseous excretion would even make it over my protective seeping fat rolls. The only way would be to contain the 'funk' and climb my quick-sand-like legs, rock climb my rock hard 6-pack abs that's cover by jello like blubber, get past months old leftovers that's crusted under my armpits, try not to get sucked in by the invisible neck and vortex like nostrils. Once reaching the nostrils, you'd have to release the 'funk' and hopefully not die from the scent yourself. So yeahhh, I'd go with bazooka.
Food makes me go on tangents and talk about weird crap lol so let's not listen to me anymore.
I'm gonna go eat another chip now.
I just ate another chip.
Bigger and bigger and biggerrr.
From this ' 。' to this 'ε=ε=ε=◎' the double circle for the seeping rolls and the backwards three represent the deadly 'funk'
Instagram username: yannnieee
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
♡ Ekktastic ♡
Monday, August 27, 2012
Updated: More pictures ^^ ♡ Salad and Fondue Video Finally
So the reason for the delay in uploading this video is because my stupid program decided to be stupid. It wouldn't let me add captions and because I really wanted captions, I kept putting it off hoping that eventually it would start working again. It didn't.
I hate to say this but I was defeated by a computer program
and I gave up.
I got to a point where I thought that this video was pointless and honestly didn't need to exist let alone be uploaded.
But I'm gonna upload it anyway... without caption :( You may enjoy it, you may not, meh!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
♡ Salad and Fondue ♡
I like drench my salad with dressing and I eat large bowels at a time.
I might have a salad problem... awkies
Guess what! I filmed it all! Woop Woop for vlogging haha. So I'm almost done editing that video and will be posting it superrr soon. But in the mean time I shall leave you with some preview pics. Enjoy! :)
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Owie I got a booboo
I somehow managed to get boiling water on my butt.
That was literally my reaction.
Let's just say it wasn't a pleasant experience. I now have a red patch on my left butt cheek and ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel trying to lessen the pain.
While this ice does it's magic, I am eating cake and editing videos and pictures for the next blog post.
So be excited because I am
mmmh cake
Let's just say it wasn't a pleasant experience. I now have a red patch on my left butt cheek and ice cubes wrapped in a paper towel trying to lessen the pain.
While this ice does it's magic, I am eating cake and editing videos and pictures for the next blog post.
So be excited because I am
mmmh cake
Hopefully I get this video out in time before I get crazy bombarded with uni and socializing and procrastinating and eating and sleeping. I feel so busy this month and it's only going to get more hectic. I only just recently finished one exam then went to a friends birthday dinner, still haven't found time or have a clue what to buy her. Then I went to the Ekka which is like a carnival thing in Brisbane. Then I have two assignments due soon. Plus there are three other friends birthday's on the way. One of which I had to unfortunately reject due to assignments, another I'm turning up late to because of work and the other I honestly am so not bothered since I also have work that night, then I have to travel for 1hr and 30mins up to Brisbane and shake my booty in the club, but I feel obligated since she is such a lovely girl. I don't even know what to get those girls either, let only where to get the money from since I've already spent over $100 at the Ekka and dinner in Brisbane. On top of all that stress of uni and friends and money, my weight has seriously felt the effects all this outing food. I just weighted myself tonight, and I know you shouldn't go by what the scales say at night and check in the morning but I wanted to see how heavy I am after a whole day of eating and boy have I packed on the pounds. I've gained 1.5 extra kilos. The thing about my weight is that I fluctuate a lot between 3 numbers. This time I've gain 1.5kg over the higher end of my fluctuation. This is the heaviest I've ever been. I never thought I would surpass the high point of my fluctuation but I proved myself wrong. It is time for an intervention and a hard core one at that. I'm gonna check my weight in the morning and hopefully be less heavy. But whatever the outcome is on the scale tomorrow morning, I am going to make some serious diet changes. Now I know what you're thinking, "it's probably that cake you're eating" yes it is but I can't put all blame on the cake. This was a cumulative process. I had stopped caring about my weight, stopped checking the scales and I just let my weight slide these last few weeks. You'll also see some bad habit eating in the next video I post haha But too late now. I can't dwell in the decisions of my past that have led me to this point of regret, I can only go on from here and undo or better yet, change the outcomes of now.
Monday, August 13, 2012
♡ Day-2-Night ♡
So the reason for my absent blogging is because I had a mid-sem exam on the Saturday that just past. The majority of my time was gone into studying or as I would like to call it, procrastinating.
I know what your thinking "an exam, on a Saturday?! and only three weeks into the semester?!
". My reaction too. Trust me, this wasn't by choice.
Curse you university!
After the exam, I had work, then I had a birthday dinner to go to. So I was pretty busy and I was running on a 'double hit' of V (the energy drink) and 9hrs of sleep, which also wasn't by choice. I would have woken up ridiculously early like 3-4-5am to cram in a mountain load of content but I had taken some flu/cold medication before bed and I was unbelievable drowsy.
Anyway, after taking all of this mornings/yesterday's morning to recover, I spent the rest of the day/night taking and editing pictures.
So here is my outfit for the horrendous day I had to face yesterday.
How cute is this top!!! eeep!! I came downstair in the morning all tired and drowsy, then I saw this vibrant lime green top and instantly I was excited and joyous. So I went to my mother and woke her up (oops :p) and asked her if it was for me or her. She said it was for her to which I replied "It's not for me?"
She gave it to me ^^ hehehe
I really didn't have that much time to change into a whole new outfit after work for dinner so I converted my day outfit into night. Fun fact: I had to get changed in the car. I'm not sure if it was more awkward for me or the people walking by.
I kept the top as the centre piece and changed up my bottom half. I also kept the accessories the same through out the day, which you can't see in the day pictures but just take my word for it.
The dress code for dinner was casual dressy/evening wear, so I wore a leather skirt under the knit and threw on a pair of stockings, then popped some booties on my footies :P
And now...
♡ My Face! ♡
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
♡ Tea Time ♡
This tea has basically replaced water for me, not that I drink that much water to begin with. I started drinking this tea about 4-5ish months ago as my parents had told me that it is good for overall health and keeps the natural 'flow' of things running smoothly, if you catch me drift. Let me tell you, they were not wrong. My 'flow' is well.. flowing. I drink about 1-2 cups in the morning and I'm set. I like to keeping drinking throughout the day even when I've already 'flown' just to continue the 'flow' for the next day. Am I saying flow too much? lol sorry.
I thought I would share some of the ingredients with you since it's all natural and super simple, cheap and quick. And if you are like me, tired of using other means to expel the 'waste' that isn't as natural such as laxative, even though laxatives can claim to be natural this is so much better than that. Plus you can also become reliant on that stuff while this can improve bowl motions now and for the future. You only need 4 ingredients. 1. Dried boxphone fruit 2. Dried Chrysanthemum 3. Dried honey suckle and lastly 4. H2O or more commonly known as water, boiled water is preferred for this. I'm not too sure if all the other ingredients have to be dried, I suppose it doesn't since it's just going to be re-hydrated anyway but for convenience purposes dried is the better option since you can store this away for longer and you won't have too keep running out to get more supplies.
Anyway it's pretty simple. I just put a little bit of each ingredient in and then add the hot water and drink away, after it's cooled of course. I like to make a big batch and just keep adding hot water and it usually lasts me about 2-3 days until it goes off, depending on the weather.
Taste wise, it's pretty much like normal tea. It's not really a strong intense tea taste. It's really nice and I like it but in saying that I do remember the first time drinking it and I didn't really, let's just say 'jump for joy'. It wasn't bad but it wasn't what I was expecting. It had a sweet taste, probably because of the honey suckle, that surprised me a bit. But after a few more sips I got use to it.
And yes, I drink my tea from a massive Heineken beer glass. Because that's the way I roll!
And can I just say: Asian Herbal teas for the win!
And can I just say: Asian Herbal teas for the win!
Now for a bit for boring information about the ingredients for those who may be interested. If your not interested I really recommend you not read, not kidding when I say it's super boring. I can not make research sound interesting, I now understand why all my lectures are so boring.
So even though on my packaging it say 'Dried Boxphone Fruit' it is actually called dried 'boxthorn' fruit, must have been a bad Asian translation thing. It has commonly been used in Asian remedies for antibacterial purposes. It reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, helps with vertigo, lumbago, weak eyes, nose bleeds, asthma, and general weakness.
Chrysanthemum is mostly known for it's cooling properties (boxthorn fruit also has this quality). It also helps with slowing down the aging process and age related blindness because of the B carotene within the center of the flower,it is then converted into Vitamin A. Vitamin A also is very good for skin problems and enhancing the immune system. It also has Vitamin B and C which has many good things to offer as well. There's a heap more about the amazing properties of this flower but I think you get the point. It's freaking great.
Honeysuckle contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, Rutin, a nutrient that enhances the effectiveness of vitamin C, and Quercetin, an acid that fights free radicals. It is used to ease sore joints, reduce inflammation, improve circulation, relieve depression and treat asthma. Like chrysanthemum is has multiple benefits that are more than a handful to list.
These ingredients all together make a great herbal tea and flush out all the impurities from your system for a natural detox.
So to you I say cheers and drink up! 
Monday, August 6, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
♡ What's New Wednesday ♡
New Hair cut!! Not really new any more considering it was two weeks ago but meh it's still 'technically' new... I kinda couldn't think of anything to blog about for this week so yeahhh this is probably gonna be a pretty boring post about random new this and thats.
My bad
I got my dead ends chopped off at Glams hair studio located in Surfers Paradise. My hair dresser was the wonderful Masaki and he did a fantastic job. So happy with it even though it is simple. I got it slightly layered at the front for the short-to-long face framing effect and also a bit in the inner layers to reduce the 'heavy' 'thickened' look. Then at the back I had about 4cm cut off for a straight cut to even the length out.
I also bought this Maybelline Illegal Length Mascara purely because Michelle Phan highly recommended it. It was in one of her older videos where she does an on-the-go review and she stated that this was discontinued but it was the best drugstore lengthening mascara. Now I'm not sure about the discontinuation, maybe they haven't discontinued it in Australia or maybe Maybelline brought it back, not too sure. But for the product effectiveness I have to say I'm not all that thrilled with it. I had really high expectation and this just didn't lengthen my lashes like the packaging said it would. It did lengthen them somewhat but not to the extent of 4mm which is what it had been claiming to do. Also this did nothing in the volume department, if you don't curl your lashes before application then you'll just end up with lashes coming straight out. I know that this had no claim what-so-ever about volume but I guess it just added to the disappointment.
I also bought Bio-oil for some unsightly scars. I've been pretty inconsistent with it since purchasing it and honestly this isn't a product that is suited for me. I know it says oil in the name but I really didn't think it would literally be oil. I put this on after taking a shower at night and I feel like I need to take another one afterwards because I feels so.. well... oily. It's not a good feeling. It says that I need to use it twice a day for at least 3 months. After using it at night, I can't at all put this on in the morning and go about my day with an oily surface skin. At using it for 3 months is ridiculous, is it really too much to ask for something to work now? hmm maybe. Also it's not just that it is oily, it's oily and it gets everywhere. After application, my whole bathroom is a mess with this stuff then having to try to clean it up with oily hands and oily legs and just everything is oily. I can not stress this enough. I fricken' don't like oily things.
I've stopped using this and I think I will put it on the back burner for now. At least until I forget why I dislike this so much and then I will probably rediscover my dislike for it, ah the vicious stupidity cycle.
Oh and this horrid thing is new too. Well kinda new. I dropped this about 2-3weeks ago and it cracked. I was saddened of course but considering I've had this phone (Iphone 3) for about 6-7ish years now, it's not surprising that it finally starts to deteriorate. On the plus side it cracked on the inside so I'm not worried about cutting my fingers when texting. This phone has been through a lot because of me and it's always stuck by me. I've dropped it countless times and I've even dropped it in a bucket of water. Submerged in it's watery grave, I thought all hope was lost for this mobile. But somehow it survived and has lived to see another day. Still working like a charm... kinda. It is extremely slow and lags a lot but it's my trusty companion. Yeah I'm a little sentimental.
My bad
I got my dead ends chopped off at Glams hair studio located in Surfers Paradise. My hair dresser was the wonderful Masaki and he did a fantastic job. So happy with it even though it is simple. I got it slightly layered at the front for the short-to-long face framing effect and also a bit in the inner layers to reduce the 'heavy' 'thickened' look. Then at the back I had about 4cm cut off for a straight cut to even the length out.
♡ Before Shot ♡
I got the waterproof version because I have super oily eyelids and anything but waterproof would just end up making me look like a panda. When they say waterproof they mean business they should also put on the label that it is also makeup removing facial wash proof. I could not get this stuff off my lashes, I literally had to start pulling at them to rip of the mascara which is really bad, I know. I tried using make removing wipes which seems to work fine but for everyday use the removal process is pretty annoying.
There are some pro's: doesn't clump even when adding more coats; doesn't flake; and doesn't smudge.
Overall it's not a super bad mascara so I will continue to use it but I wouldn't buy it again.
I've stopped using this and I think I will put it on the back burner for now. At least until I forget why I dislike this so much and then I will probably rediscover my dislike for it, ah the vicious stupidity cycle.
♡ New threads ♡
The jeans is from dotti and was on sale for $40. I think my butt looks good it in plus the pants seem to hold in all my loose blubber and my legs look normal lol
Also you may notice something else new in this pictures.
Any ideas yet?
Something red.
New phone case hehe that white pearl one was getting so gross and way too old. I got this red one to match my car and bag hehe ^^
It just goes to show you how much Apple has downgraded in product durability. I mean Iphone 4 screen's crack instantly, the moment you receive your phone it might as well shatter in your finger tips. Let me also clarify by saying that I am not a safe or steady handed person, I should not be given nice things. I lose things, I dirty things, I drop things, and I also shatter things. I am not good at keeping things intact. So giving me a phone like the Iphone 4 would be a joke. Unfortunately I am waiting for the Iphone 5 to come out and I sadly already am expecting the same outcomes. At the same time I am hopeful that the Iphone 4 successor will have improved significantly in the durability department, or else I'll be stuck with this 3 for the rest of my life since clearly it is the only phone that I should be allowed to possess in my hands of mass destruction.
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