Instagram username: yannnieee

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sleep is a luxury

Tonight shall be my fourth sleepless night during this never ending saga of assignments. I have just been tumble weeding with assignments lately. Literally I'll finish one and then I'll have another one to do. There's really no break time in between. And it's not even like I'm trying to get a head start on assignments and I don't wanna take a break. It's legit like I'm struggling getting things in on time and I've been asking for extentions on every single one of my assignments. -_- YAY unilyfe. This current assignment that I due in about 10hours is less than half done, it's super confusing and hard and I hate my life. I've already had 2 no-doz pills and some coffee. I may not survive tonight... I sometimes don't know how I do it. I feel like theres so many simple things in this world that are free and yet are a luxury that I cannot afford, sleep being one of them.
I really should get back to doing my assignment since it's almost midnight and I've made jack all progress on this gay shit.
Hating on life so much right now.
Ttyl... if I don't die first lol

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