Instagram username: yannnieee

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My ride outta this place broke down.

Looks like I'm staying on struggle street just a tad longer. I requested an extension for an assignment and received two extra days. Hopefully I'll get it in on time since I've got another assignment I have yet to even look at due in a week -_-
I am currently at uni in a 24hr lab trying to do my assignment. All nighter woo hoo :( I've had two no-doz pills at once sooo.... If you never hear from me again, I'd be worried lol
Also apparently struggle street involves A LOT OF FUCKING PROBLEMS. I saw a dentist today and forked over $130 for him to tell me that my teeth are all effed up. No shit Sherlock! Pretty sure that's why I am here -_- he didn't even do anything!!! Raging!!! >:( I have to see him again tomorrow to give him so more money. Whatever. I'm so over it!!!

Anyway that's basically the latest update. Honestly nothing really different. Still wanting to die and still got a lot of assessments.


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