Instagram username: yannnieee

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Focu.... what was I saying?

Focus Focus Focus!!! *opens up blog*
As per usual I am struggling to focus on my assignment. An assignment to which I requested an extension for. An assignment that is now due in 1.5 days. An assignment that is 2000 words and I currently have 200 words. I call that progress. Not really... lol
And as per usual I have planned to do another all nighter. Hopefully this shall be the last night I go without sleep... for this semester. I can't make any promises about next semester. Oh the joys of final year. I will definitely be a heck of a lot happier when I graduate... If I survive that long.
Other than my lack of sleep and lack of word count, there really isn't anything interesting going on in my life.
The only thing remotely interesting is the TV shows I catch up on when I have time... okay when I'm procrastinating. I just caught up on Vampire Diaries and the season finale was a real eye baller. I was teared up at every second. And even though it is a lot more dramatic than my life, I can't help but make comparisons  Not to the whole vampire, werewolf, doppelganger fact but the fact that they're graduating which was the whole setting of the season finale. It just brought up a melancholic reminiscent feel. And I guess my fears of not graduating just make me feel like I'm going to be left behind. On a happier note, I also caught up with How I Met Your Mother and OH EM GEE!!! the season finale, we finally got to see who the mother was. Now we wait to see how they meet and their first encounter and the SPARK. EEEP I can't wait! My life now revolves around the excitement in a fictional character's life. I'm a tad bit sad, I know.
Officially gonna start my assignment now. I've had all night to do it and I've only opened it and read my introduction. It's a REALLYYY good intro. But now I gotta get a crack a lack in.

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