Instagram username: yannnieee

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I've been putting off getting my hair cut for sooo long. And now I've finally done it. I got it cut just plain and simple like I like it by my usual hair dresser. It's a tad shorter now and I have a few layers. Overall I'm a pretty happy :)
This is what it looks like. LOL it doesn't even look like I've gotten a hair cut. But if you look at my wallet and how it's $60 lighter, I'm sure you'll notice it then haha!
And I thought I'd also include a picture of just one bit of decorations they have around the store. This is a particular favorite of mine and it was in the bathroom haha.
OH and I hope everyone gets my 'Hair grows' title joke lol if you don't, it's a reference to Sabrina the teenage witch. Here's the whole episode but if you just wanna see the hair grows bit it starts at 14:05
I just love it because it is literally the dumbest and most obvious thing and yet so wise and insightful. HAIR GROWS! Every time I get my hair cut, that is literally what is going through my head haha. I acutally also like it because I feel like it kinda also has a deeper meaning, or maybe I'm crazy. But like even though you're having a shit time or life is getting you down, there's a rainbow at the end and life goes on. I feel like there's always a hidden silver lineing. And that is basically what the whole episode it trying to say, at least that's what I take from it. And it's just good and reassuring to know that... HAIR GROWS haha! :)

Any way, stay positive! lots of love xoxo

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