Instagram username: yannnieee

Sunday, October 28, 2012


OMG!!! This is super embarrassing, so embarrassing that I think I should blog about it and hopefully there will be others out there like me so I can feel better about this moment. I am in the university bathroom, current, as a type from my phone, this very moment. And what am I doing in here that is so embarrassing, well I'm doing a poo. Yay I know. It is pretty yay since I'm super constipated mean I'll go when ever I can. I don't hold it or else then I'll be waiting another week until the next elimination. Anyway, I'm about half way through this 'evacuation' and suddenly I realize there's no toilet paper. At all. Fuckkk! What the fuck am I going to do. I have no friends here that can help me and I'm in a public toilet. My only hope is to rush into the cubicle next to me, try not to drip anything and remember to flush the toilet, all while hoping no one walks in, that would make this ten times more embarrassing. Anyone else have any awkward face palm moments. Make me feel better please. Now excuse me while I go attempt the impossible.

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