Instagram username: yannnieee

Friday, September 28, 2012

Things are coming to an end

One of the saddest things, I ran out of oil blotting sheets. I am so devastated. Now I need to buy more :(((
On another sad note, today is my last day of placement at MAU. For the last two weeks I have been at Robina hospital working as a student nurse for my 'Clients with chronic conditions' class. It's sad to have to go but I'm moving on to my next placement for 'Mental Health' for another two weeks. Yippie! To celebrate my last day, I bought heaps of chocolates and a 'Thank You' card. I'm just the sweetest ^^ Because I got to work a bit early today, I was waiting in the staff room and I swear everyone thought I was the biggest chocoholic with all these chocolates in my hand bag haha 
One good thing about placement ending is that I can paint my nails again!!! YAY except I still have to take them off for nest week. Luckily next week Monday is a public holiday so that means... LONG WEEKEND!!! yipp yipp!!!
I actually am kinda glad that placement is almost over. I'll have time to do my assignments, I won't be as tired, and most importantly, I won't look absolutely wrecked after each shift. I can't believe how crap I look after work. I leave the house looking fresh, perky, alive, and ready to work. But afterwards, not only am I tired but I look just terrible. My face could probably make babies cry. Not even kidding.
Look at those ugly after pictures. I need to devise a way for my face to not look horrendous after 8hrs. I swear all makeup, not matter how long lasting the claim, it just never lasts on my oily, sweaty, crappy face. Until then I will be an ugly nurse, no hot nurses haha.

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