Instagram username: yannnieee

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Trying to film a video isn't as easy as all the youtube pros makes it look. I don't even wanna get started about the editing process. All I wanna do is film a short little video for a friend and I can't seem to get it to work. Why? Because the frame is crap and I need a tripod. I wish I had a tripod right here, right now. Oh and even my stupid Ipad isn't working with me as soon as I start recording.  
Giving up filming for the night and I'm going to do something outrageous and actually... Study!?! WHATTTT!!?? That's craycray! I'll probably blog later tonight about not actually doing any work lol. I do want to do another post tonight though because I'm a bit behind with updating so hmm we'll see I long I last not blogging lol

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