Instagram username: yannnieee

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

♡ Wedding Day ♡

I have known my brother for 19 years. I have fought with him, despised him, cried because of him, laughed with him, hated him and loved him. But yesterday he became a different man. It was no longer my older brother's job to annoy and irritate me. It was his job to love another, to care for another, to have and to hold another. It was his job to be a husband, and some day soon enough, to also be a father. And though everyone else but the lovely couple, is on the fence about the whole shebang, we all gathered to witness and celebrate their union.

The day started off terrifying and in all honest; hopeless. The previous day; Sunday, the weather was ferocious  The news was practically on 24hr weather surveillance. A weather warning was released stating for all residents to stay indoors. Brisbane had already been hit; fast and hard. People are saying that it is worse than the destruction of the 2011 flooding. We hoped that by Monday it would have all seemed a dream but that was wishful thinking. Monday arrived and as I woke late in the afternoon I already realised that by me sleeping in, mother nature had not slept at all. It was dark and gloomy outside. The rain had not eased off for even a second. I was terrified to even leave the house let alone to drive in such a condition. However a wedding was planned. My brother's wedding. And rain or shine, it was going to happen.
As I prepared for the night ahead, I realised that the power was out. It had actually been out for a while. I was just too stone cold dead to realise. Great! No power... Now what!? At the time no one had time to even care or think about it. We had to move our butts and get to the venue. I woke up at about 1:20ish, got out of bed about 1:40ish and then after eating and slowly waking up, only thennn does my motherrrr tell me that we have to get there by 3pm meaning we had to leave the house by 2:30. Super! Just a bit of warning or even filling me in on the details would have been super handy. So I hurried my tookus and got ready in a flash. I believe I did a damn freakin' amazeballs job for getting ready in less than 30mins WHOOP WHOOP props to meh! Anyway, as we left the house we drove past fallen trees, flooded rivers and lakes, and what was only a few days ago a grassy patch of land, was now a river/lake.
Not one place escaped the sting of heavy rain and a watery grave. But as we drove further towards our destination, it seemed like we were getting closer and closer to the end of the rainbow. We arrived at the Sheraton Mirage Resort and Spa and that was our pot of gold. The weather had cleared up and it was as if nothing had happened. The clouds parted ways and I could finally see the sky again. We opened up the doors so that the ceremony could have the gorgeous backdrop of the sky and Sheraton pools and just all that lovely blue earthy colours.
The wedding was small, simple, and.... quick. In that brief moment of love and commitment, it was as if everyone just took a second to breathe again. It was calming and peaceful.
After my brother and his new wife finished all the legalities, everyone took massive amounts of pictures of the newly hitched couple. Pretty sure the photo portion of the event took longer than the ceremony itself.

See!!! I wasn;t exaggerating when I say simple. So simple she wore a floral dress. No classic wedding gown :( Don't get me started on what everyone else wore. IT WAS A WEDDING!!! RAWR!!! *breathe* (note to self: make sure you implement a STRICT dress code for your future wedding)
Yeah I know, I'm quite the art-ist ^^
Quite literally after we have finished up, the rain started up again. It was bucketing as if it never stopped. If I were to be clique, which I am going to be, it was as if the heavens parted ways for them (is that even how the saying goes!? lol don't know but you get the point, I'm super lame).
This is what the resort looked like when the rain stared up again
After the ceremony, we all sat down at the Pearls Bar and enjoyed a cup of coffee, which in my case was actually a mocktail. A fruit fantasy, yummy yummy and a total no no for diet-ies... ooops :/

We patiently waited until 5pm and rushed our hungry bellies over to the Terraces Restaurant for some seafood buffet. After that, well not much of anything was happening after that considering I was too full to do anything. I really should invest in a forklift. There goes the last 2 weeks of gyming I've been working my ass off doing.
That's pretty much it for the day. I wish I could say more. I use to hope that there would be more. It was my brother's big day and I've summed it up into a mere 657 words, mostly about the weather might I add (seeeeee, not all weather talk is boring or awkward. Next time you meet someone you should just talk to them about the weather ;) girl I gotcha back). I guess the future bride in me hoped for a big wedding, a festivity that was/should-have-been spectacular. But alas that is not my brother nor is it his wife. They are just not that kinda of people. So it was small, and simple, and quick. It was theirs.
Mine shall be endless paragraphs..... but I gotta find a man first and I'm getting ahead of myself... maybe cause it 4am. I probably should get my fat seafood filled ass into bed. So good night! CIAO!!!

BTW keep your eyes on this post because I'll be updating it with more wedding pics and outfit pics tomoz!!! So until then ladies and probably not gents, I hope you sleep slept well... because by the time you read this it will be later in the morning because no one is awake at this crazy hour but me. lol.

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