OMGEEE!!! Check out Wendy's video ♡ I love all her pairing videos but especially this one. Wanna know why? Because I have the exact same tulip skirt from Zara. Yay for matching!
Instagram username: yannnieee
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
♡ Out and About ♡
My goodness! After literally HOURS of working on this video, editing and timing and trimming, etc. I have finally perfected it... kinda. There are little bits here and there that I still couldn't fix to my liking but I just have to live with the imperfections *lol life lesson*
Enjoy! I had such a fun day ❤
Monday, June 25, 2012
♡ Mani Monday ♡
It always seems to take me a few tries before I'm happy with my nail color.
After painting them OPI's Banana Bandanna and Essie's Wife goes on with OPI's Servin' Up Sparkle tips, I finally ended up being the most happy with OPI's Sparrow me the Drama.
After painting them OPI's Banana Bandanna and Essie's Wife goes on with OPI's Servin' Up Sparkle tips, I finally ended up being the most happy with OPI's Sparrow me the Drama.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
♡ Mani Monday ♡
So since starting up a tumblr account I've been posting my outfit of the day and nail of the day there. But after trying to stick it out for a bit, I'm not a huge fan of tumblr. So I'm just gonna update what color my nails have been the last few weeks.
This was last weeks nails. ChiChi's Wednesday as a black base and Gone Gonzo! on the top
I finally managed to apply this polish, with much difficulty I might add. This was two coats and it took forever to dry. Once it did try and I made sure it was completely dry, I went to bed and the next morning it had like tiny scratches and fabric marks on it. So even though the top layer was dry, the polish it self was still vulnerable to pressure or something. I'm not too sure, this polish is pretty unsatisfying to me and I wouldn't spend money on this.
This was last weeks nails. ChiChi's Wednesday as a black base and Gone Gonzo! on the top
I finally managed to apply this polish, with much difficulty I might add. This was two coats and it took forever to dry. Once it did try and I made sure it was completely dry, I went to bed and the next morning it had like tiny scratches and fabric marks on it. So even though the top layer was dry, the polish it self was still vulnerable to pressure or something. I'm not too sure, this polish is pretty unsatisfying to me and I wouldn't spend money on this.
The week before that I had my Revlon's Sheer Blossom as a light sheer pink base and OPI's Teenage Dream pink glitter tips
Just a simple grey color with glitter tip. OPI's Skull and glossbones
I didn't get a chance to take a snap shot of my nails before I went to Sydney since I did them like 2-3hrs before boarding the plan and I didn't use a top coat. So when I got home these are the horrendous looking nails I was left with after 3 days lol OPI's Sparrow me the Drama and OPI's Rainbow Connection
This was one of my favorite manicures I had last month, mainly because it surprised me how much I liked it. The red just came out really nicely for the season and the glitter tips just fancied it up. When I first ordered this polish I was super excited because the bottle looked like it would be a really pretty hot pink, I didn't really look any further into it and search for swatches but when I received it in the mail and swatched it myself I was disappointed at how red it actually was. I put off using it for a long time because I was disappointed. I don't know what came over me that day but I decided to use it and I really love how it turned out. I wanna paint my nails this again but I afraid that it might not be as pretty the second time around, since sometimes first impressions are better plus my nails are shorter now so maybe this looked better with long nails. I don't know lol
I think we are all caught up now.
Mani Monday,
Nail polish,
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Exam tomorrow, Procrastinate today!
So I know absolutely NOTHING about tomorrows exam except the fact that I know I will fail. So much content and there is so little time so I pretty much just keep putting off learning everything because there is so much. FML. I'm not even kidding about how little I know. Pretty sure I stopped going to lectures the last 5 weeks before exams which is everything we are being assessed on, so it kinda might have been slightly useful for me to go the those lectures since I now can't be stuffed to read them. So it's not just that I don't remember learning it or I can't retain the information, it is pure 'got no clue what the fudge anything is' because I have never heard of it before.
On top of all that crap, I feel awful, I feel like crap. I believe I have residual nausea after the events of last night. So I woke up last night after sleeping for approximately less than an hour with excruciating pain in my lower abdominal region and the feeling of vomiting. I tried to fight the pain and just fall back to sleep hoping that through sleep it can be ignored. After about 2mins of more torture, I realized this wasn't going away anytime soon. So I went to the bathroom which was a mission in itself. I could barely move without any pain and I was so worry because the nausea was worse on movement. I finally got to the bathroom, which btw is next to my room so travelling that small distance is example enough of how sick I was. Because of the pain in my stomach I found it so difficult to bend over the toilet bowl and vomit. Nothing was going well for me. I eventually did vomit and it was basically pure stomach acid, gross I know. After the first initially involuntary ejection of contents I still felt sick so I continued to vomit by inducing it. The nausea kinda went away and the abdominal pain was lessened. I had to sleep in a slightly raised upper portion position for the rest of the night to prevent anymore back ups. So I concluded my episode to a combination of too much liquid before bed and then having to sleep in a supine position, preventing a gravitational movement of the liquid and too much dessert throughout the night. I'm gonna say it was mostly likely the dessert that was the driving force of the incident but I like to think that I'm not a huge fatty and the water did make a difference. All that yucky-ness is still kinda lagging around. Hopefully I won't wake up tonight with the feeling of puking up a lung.
So through my procrastination I have decided to buy a watch. Yippie Hooray!!! This is a watch that I've been wanting for awhile now but I was just kinda lazy to look into it plus it is an American brand so it doesn't exists in Australia and shipping was just such a hassle and dreaded fear of mine. But thanks to exam time procrastination I have found a site that will ship it to me for freeeeeee! because I go over a certain price limit which isn't hard because this is hell-a expensive. And I'm buying two lol I'm getting one for my brother's fiance' (Oh yeah, for all my friends that are reading which is probably the only people who do read this blog, btw my brother is engaged!). She said that she liked the black ones but also like the white one. So now I have a dilemma of choosing which one to get her. Why can't people just be easy!
So these are the ones I'm looking at for her. I'm leaning towards the third and fourth one but urgh I don't know. I'd hate it if I got one that she didn't like. And of course she wouldn't say that she didn't like it but sometimes you know in your heart how they feel.
Okay seriously, look at these pretty watches!!! I'm tossing up between these two for me and I really like the right one because of the embellished sparkles but I really like the white with rose gold strap color on the left.
All the above shown watches range from about $200-$400. I think the ones I want are in the $200 boarding $300 range. These watches don't rely on batteries but have automatic winding movements. Meaning if you don't wear it for about 3 or 4 days then the watch will stop ticking but if you wear it again, it will start right back up as a reaction to the natural motion of your arm. I assume you would have to fix the time but this saves battery life and makes the time piece last longer.
I am super super excited to get one, once I decided which one to get lol
I am not even kidding when I say I want you to leave a comment (anonymous or not) about which one you think I should get for myself and get for my brother's fiance'
Anyway its 9:50pm now so I really should get back to studying EVERYTHING ugh! I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, if I'm not dead by the trauma or I can manage to scrap myself off the bathroom floor soaked in my tears.
Let's see how that goes 
Friday, June 15, 2012
Exams are arsebags!
2 exams down and 2 to go!
Now I feel like I pretty much bombed both assessments so clearly my head isn't in the game this semester. I know I passed both of them but I kinda wanted to do better than just pass.
okay lol not that depressed :P Don't freak out guys! Not gonna kill myself.
Tomorrow's exam, yeah tomorrow! a Saturday!! is at 8:30 which means I have to wake up, latest by 7:00am but knowing me the massive nut case I am, I'm either gonna wake up at 5:00 or just no sleep AT ALL fml who needs sleep, right? lol
Let me show you a little re-enactment of the last few weeks using my cute monkey emoticons ^^
This is what I look like during study:

This is what I think I look like during study:

This is what I am like before the exam:
This is what I am like RIGHT before the exam:
This is what I look like during the exam:
FML should have slept the night before
This is what I'm like after all my exams:
This is what I look like a few minutes before results come out:
This is what I look like after results come out:
WHAT THE SHIT!!! excuse me while I cry a never ending river
This is what my parents look like when I tell them of my shit results:
I am seriously not exaggerating. This is a true depiction, no lies!
Maybe it's not helping that I'm blogging during exams hmmm... I can re-think that later.
So other than sleeping during study week I also eat like A LOT.
STUDY FOOD!! I convince myself that I actually need this stuff HAHA what a big fat belly of lies!
On a more fun note! I wanna see what I bought!? yeah ya do!
Mae Movement bracelets!!! Whoop Whoop!!!
What are Mae Movement bracelets you ask? Good question! Well click the link and you can find out. In its simplest for it is a bracelet and the proceeds go towards women in nepal. Each bracelet is hand made which means every single bracelet is one of a kind. I think that is super special to have a bracelet that is totally different from everyone else's and no one can have the exact same one, not only that but it is also being contributed to a better cause. These bracelets are really pretty and I just HAD to get one after seeing them plastered all over youtube channels. So they are each $15 or 3 for $35 so I got 3, and yeah it is a little bit pricey for just a few bracelets but it's going to a good cause and plus there are heaps more stuff out on the market that looks absolutely horrible and more expensive. I choose the colors rose gold, champange, and bright pink but because they are one of a kind, it is probably going to turn out differently than what is displayed on the site but I am still super excited to see how they turn out. So that should be arriving in the mail most likely next month or longer. I don't expect them anytime soon since it will take a while to make plus the rose gold color is on backorder and it is from the US so international shipping will take at least 2 weeks. So add all that up together and basically by the time they'll get here, I will have totally forgotten about them.
Definitely check it out if you are looking for some pretty bracelets.
Okay back to studying now!!! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.
Now I feel like I pretty much bombed both assessments so clearly my head isn't in the game this semester. I know I passed both of them but I kinda wanted to do better than just pass.
Tomorrow's exam, yeah tomorrow! a Saturday!! is at 8:30 which means I have to wake up, latest by 7:00am but knowing me the massive nut case I am, I'm either gonna wake up at 5:00 or just no sleep AT ALL fml who needs sleep, right? lol
Let me show you a little re-enactment of the last few weeks using my cute monkey emoticons ^^
This is what I look like during study:
This is what I think I look like during study:
This is what I am like before the exam:
This is what I am like RIGHT before the exam:
This is what I look like during the exam:
This is what I am thinking during the exam:
This is what I am like RIGHT after exams:
This is what I'm like after all my exams:
This is what I look like a few minutes before results come out:
This is what I look like after results come out:
This is what my parents look like when I tell them of my shit results:
I am seriously not exaggerating. This is a true depiction, no lies!
Maybe it's not helping that I'm blogging during exams hmmm... I can re-think that later.
So other than sleeping during study week I also eat like A LOT.
STUDY FOOD!! I convince myself that I actually need this stuff HAHA what a big fat belly of lies!
Mae Movement bracelets!!! Whoop Whoop!!!
What are Mae Movement bracelets you ask? Good question! Well click the link and you can find out. In its simplest for it is a bracelet and the proceeds go towards women in nepal. Each bracelet is hand made which means every single bracelet is one of a kind. I think that is super special to have a bracelet that is totally different from everyone else's and no one can have the exact same one, not only that but it is also being contributed to a better cause. These bracelets are really pretty and I just HAD to get one after seeing them plastered all over youtube channels. So they are each $15 or 3 for $35 so I got 3, and yeah it is a little bit pricey for just a few bracelets but it's going to a good cause and plus there are heaps more stuff out on the market that looks absolutely horrible and more expensive. I choose the colors rose gold, champange, and bright pink but because they are one of a kind, it is probably going to turn out differently than what is displayed on the site but I am still super excited to see how they turn out. So that should be arriving in the mail most likely next month or longer. I don't expect them anytime soon since it will take a while to make plus the rose gold color is on backorder and it is from the US so international shipping will take at least 2 weeks. So add all that up together and basically by the time they'll get here, I will have totally forgotten about them.
Definitely check it out if you are looking for some pretty bracelets.
Okay back to studying now!!! Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it.
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