So as of this afternoon I am now registered to participate in the Gold Coast Color Run!!! Woop Woop!
What is this you ask? Well I believe that originally it was America based but now Australia is part of their tour. And Gold Coast is going to be held on the 14th of April. It is basically a 5k fun run that is super colorful. You start at the starting line wear a white top and at every 1k you get hit with a burst of color. So at the end of the 5k you are super duper colorful. If that didn't make sense then head over to their website (here:, they do a much better job of explaining the event than me lol. All proceeds go to a local organisation and for the Gold Coast it is Ponting Foundation. This is directly from The Color Run website: The Ponting Foundation provides funding for a wide range of essential services that comfort and nurture young Australian’s with cancer while providing emotional support and financial assistance for their family. They work with organisations such as the National Institute of Integrative Medicine, Redkite, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Children’s Cancer Institute Australia, to provide support for children with cancer as well as the development of research and preventative programs.
Later on at night at the gym I attempted to run 5k on the treadmill. Now I haven't been on the treadmill since my first week, I've mostly been sticking to the elliptical machine. OMG!!! I hate running! I am ridiculously unfit. I remembered why I hate the treadmill and running rather than the elliptical. Because in order to run and be on a treadmill, my whole body is moving. While the elliptical my feet are stationary and I don't 'bounce' as much. I got to 1k by switching between jogging and walking in 9mins. I did the math and if I keep that speed I should be able to do the 5k in 1hr.... I suspect I will ACTUALLY finish it in 2015 lol But I am determined to get fit before then and reach 5k without a sweat. 1k killed me -_- it's so much easier to do 2-3k on the elliptical. I guess the treadmill is going to be my new best friend. I kindaaa nailed 1k... Now 4 more to go!!!
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