Taking a break from packing and organising to catch everyone up. I'm going to CHINAAA!!! YAY!!!
I leave for the airport tonight and my plane is at midnight so technically tomorrow. I don't really have much to say except that I'm excited. I'm going during chinese new year so I'm super excited to be able to celebrate that over there this year.

YAY fireworkssss!!! I think the last time I was in china for chinese new year was about 9-10 years ago. Dayum! I'm getting old haha! I promise to update everyone on the trip anddd certain other things that have happened during my holiday, when I get back. I won't have ANY internet connection whilst I'm over there so that means no blogging, no facebook, and the worst of all, no instagram D': I will only be able to access them if I have wifi connection and unfortunately all my relatives live in the stone age... and cause they're all old they really have no need for technology or internet. 10 Days and I will be back to civilization. Try not to miss me too much guys :P ♡
Oh andddd since I will be away for V-Day.....

(single awareness day for me

have a good trip honey!!