Instagram username: yannnieee

Thursday, February 7, 2013

♡ China Here I Come ♡

Taking a break from packing and organising to catch everyone up. I'm going to CHINAAA!!! YAY!!!
I leave for the airport tonight and my plane is at midnight so technically tomorrow. I don't really have much to say except that I'm excited. I'm going during chinese new year so I'm super excited to be able to celebrate that over there this year. crazy monkey 046 YAY fireworkssss!!! I think the last time I was in china for chinese new year was about 9-10 years ago. Dayum! I'm getting old haha! I promise to update everyone on the trip anddd certain other things that have happened during my holiday, when I get back. I won't have ANY internet connection whilst I'm over there so that means no blogging, no facebook, and the worst of all, no instagram D': I will only be able to access them if I have wifi connection and unfortunately all my relatives live in the stone age... and cause they're all old they really have no need for technology or internet. 10 Days and I will be back to civilization. Try not to miss me too much guys :P ♡
Oh andddd since I will be away for V-Day.....
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE crazy monkey 054 (single awareness day for me crazy monkey 029)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fun Run My Ass!

So as of this afternoon I am now registered to participate in the Gold Coast Color Run!!! Woop Woop!
What is this you ask? Well I believe that originally it was America based but now Australia is part of their tour. And Gold Coast is going to be held on the 14th of April. It is basically a 5k fun run that is super colorful. You start at the starting line wear a white top and at every 1k you get hit with a burst of color. So at the end of the 5k you are super duper colorful. If that didn't make sense then head over to their website (here:, they do a much better job of explaining the event than me lol. All proceeds go to a local organisation and for the Gold Coast it is Ponting Foundation. This is directly from The Color Run website: The Ponting Foundation provides funding for a wide range of essential services that comfort and nurture young Australian’s with cancer while providing emotional support and financial assistance for their family.  They work with organisations such as the National Institute of Integrative Medicine, Redkite, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Children’s Cancer Institute Australia, to provide support for children with cancer as well as the development of research and preventative programs.

Later on at night at the gym I attempted to run 5k on the treadmill. Now I haven't been on the treadmill since my first week, I've mostly been sticking to the elliptical machine. OMG!!! I hate running! I am ridiculously unfit. I remembered why I hate the treadmill and running rather than the elliptical. Because in order to run and be on a treadmill, my whole body is moving. While the elliptical my feet are stationary and I don't 'bounce' as much. I got to 1k by switching between jogging and walking in 9mins. I did the math and if I keep that speed I should be able to do the 5k in 1hr.... I suspect I will ACTUALLY finish it in 2015 lol But I am determined to get fit before then and reach 5k without a sweat. 1k killed me -_- it's so much easier to do 2-3k on the elliptical. I guess the treadmill is going to be my new best friend. I kindaaa nailed 1k... Now 4 more to go!!!

♡ Wedding Attire ♡

So as usual I am lazy and have only now finally got around to posting my outfit pics. Soz! I'm sure you guys were sooo gutted those few days that I disappointed you. Any suicides cannot be directly linked to me... :p
Anywayyy I'll just get into it since I'm sure you are DYING to see what I wore lol
A brand spankin' new CUE dress for the momentous occasion. It was on sale for $114.50 from $229. I think this dress is absolutely stunning. The detailing is what won me over. The printed collar is so pretty but also the cut of the dress and the material that was used made it all come together.
Accessory wise I went with these geometric gem earrings from Lovisa that were also on sale for $5 from $12.99. And I wore my simple but classic Swarovski heart necklace.
These shoes... day-UM! These shoes made me the tallest person. I was taller than my dad AND my brother. I was a freakishly tall giant... wow I just realised that that was redundant considering giants are already considered freakishly tall so I basically said the same thing twice... aca awkward... (Im so lame. I need to get a life...hurhurhurrr) Anywayyy I've only ever worn these shoes twice, well now thrice...?...three times lol I remember when I first wore them.... OH MY GAUD! My feet went numb. I le-git-imately could not feel my toes. I think I've finally worn them in and they were... bearable.  I was originally going to wear my Mimco ones that had diamantes on them so that it could match my earrings but those are a felt fabric and I was worried about water damage at the time *sad face*. I can't remember how much exactly these shoes were but I'm pretty certain they were a little over $300. And the brand is House of Harlow, that's why they were so expensive. Darn Nicole Richie, producing unbelievably amazing things I need and envy but making it way too expensive for me to afford >:( ... I still love her. 

My clutch is from Colette by Colette Hayman at it was roughly from $30-40 I believe.
My nails were done by yours truly. I used Revlon's Black Lingerie and layered Portmans' Rose Gold glitter polish over the top.

And that is pretty much is for my outfit. I tried to keep it simple but stunning and tasteful at the same time

More selfies? crazy monkey 108 okok! whatever my adoring fans want crazy monkey 077  heheheee
This is kindaaa a better shot of the collar, kinda...not really lol maybe if i didn't have so much hair. But you get the point. Pretty, right? yeah!
Bro! Yo!
Zee new sister-in-law and I
She likes selfies too!!! 
AND..... one for the romantics out there! I told the lovely couple to just sit at the chairs while I take a picture from the back. Except the back area was a mini pool and I was literally on the edge of it... You saw my shoes! I was risking not just my dignity if I fell but also my hair and dress and makeup and everything on me. If I fell, it would have been cat-a-stro-phic. That's right! True dedicated photographer here! Always risking it all to get the perfect shot. Claps and praise are and compliments too :P