My goodness is it hard to plan events. This year I am doing a simple dinner with some friend and that somehow turned into the most difficult feat. I specifically asked everyone to confirm attending or declining by thursday 1:00pm... I literally was specific. Then on friday arvo, the facebook invite had 20 people attending so I made the booking for 25 people just in case. After doing that I texted some people to confirm and sooooo many more people said that they were going. So i extended the booking to 32 people and hopefully that should be the entire amount. I really hope we don't run out of room. Also as a condition of getting a booking and table, I had to agree to leave by 8:30pm since another booking is coming in at that time and they kinda booked it first, so fair enough. It was my bad for booking so late but come on, everyone else is so flakey for not getting back to me on time. And there was one person who actually must legit think I'm psychic because I haven't heard A SINGLE word from her, no facebook message or post or etc, no verbalization or even chitter chatter about the dinner, and the other day my OTHER friend texted me asking if we were going to do anything after the dinner because that girl was wondering. So today that kinda rang alarm bells in my head so I texted the friend to see if the other girl was coming and apparently she has been planning to come all along.... WHEN THE FUCK WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME!!! I'M NOT FUCK PSYCHIC, HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT YOU WERE GONNA COME! IF YOU DON'T CLICK ATTENDING ON FACEBOOK OR VERBALIZE IT TO ME OR EVEN TEXT ME, I AM NOT GONNA KNOW!!! DO YOU SEE A HORN BETWEEN MY EYEBROWS? NO! THAT'S CAUSE I'M NOT A UNICORN OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF MYTHICAL CREATURE AND I CAN'T FUCKING READ MINDS OR TELL THE FUTURE. SO NEXT TIME JUST FUCKINGGGG TELL ME!!!! Also people really need to learn how to click a mouse so they can click attending if they are attending. Don't fuck with me here! Seriously, it is not that fuck hard to click attending on facebook or even send out a simple text message. Really! If you have enough time to like crap on facebook or turn up to my dinner or even BREATHE then you should haven enough time to click attending! Is it really that hard, I honestly would like to know what everybody has been doing that is keeping them away from clicking attending! like FUCKKKK!!!!
Okay, I'm better now.
Anyway, all of this planning on top of studying AND having to basically run my parents restaurant while my mum is away (long story), I have been up to my neck with stress. I have 3 stress pimples already. I still haven't even decided what I'm going to wear for tonight. And I only just recently decided on my nails but even though I've done them already, I'm not 100% sure if I like them for tonight. They're nice but are they birthday-y?
These are the Sally Hanson Salon effects 'Red-y to Rock'
I also decided that I will be cracking out the fake eyelashes AND eyeliner. This will be legit the first time wearing eyeliner in public and the second time doing fake eyelashes. The first time wasn't that great of an experience but I have a good feeling about this time. And to make sure that it will look good, I did a pre-test eye make up.
What do you think aye? Pretty good for a noob don't cha think.
Honestly I don't care if you think it's a botched job. If you think I did a fantastic job, then feel free to leave a nice comment :) But any negative ones shall not affect me because I think I did a good job and I like it. I like it so much that I shall be doing it for the night.
I still haven't decided on a lip colour yet, mainly because I haven't decided on an outfit and it's hard to get a nice lip colour with the red hair now. So I guess that will be a surprise later in the night, once I decide on it haha
Yeah, of course I had to add in heaps of selfies ^^
So after stressing out way too much about the cake because I realized in the last minute that I need a cake, I called up a few places and Sweet seemed the most reasonably priced and it also has super nice cakes. The cake shall be a surprise to everyone, so not even my readers or my friends will know until after the dinner hehehe But because I'm nice, here's a hint: it's one of the cakes below.
I have take some time out of my studying to pick an outfit. But unfortunately I am super indecisive and I don't know what to wear. You got-sta help me.
Should I pick 1. the cute girly and vibrant pop of colour one which is a tad uncomfortable or 2. the structured but colourful and happy one which is a kinda of hard material so I'll be a bit of a stick all night or 3. which is kinda my favourite because it is SUPER comfy and LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS!!! >< but it's not that dressy.
(BTW my hair is in that yuck high bun thing because I haven't washed it in two days, now three actually. I'm attempting to preserve the red hair, at least until the birthday dinner. So I will be washing it later today FOR SURE. It is getting so gross, I hate oily unwashed hair, legit gotta be the worst)
Or should I go with what I wore to my 18th last year, or how about what I wore to my brothers 18th, or even better, the dress I wore to formal.
HAHA I'm joking btw. Those last two are fashion disasters! And I'm sure in a few years time, I'll think the blue dress is a train wreck too. Actually I'm kinda think it was already, I mean like damn it's short, I look so slutty. ew. Also I'm still contemplating changing my nail polish.
Anyone? Anyone wanna help a girl out!
ReplyDeletei personally like the 1 one but i think u should go for whatever the most comfortable (cuz the bawwsss for the day) which will be 3~
Cant wait to see you!!
-the Rabbit
bahahahahahahahahhahaha i tottaly read your posts in your voice. Loved your outfit and loved the dinner! Had an absolutely wonderful time~ Happy birthday darling :)