Instagram username: yannnieee

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Exams exams examsss!!!

For a change this post will not be about exams. I thought I'd confuse you with the title. You just got trolled haha. Anyway this post is actually to tell you about my next post. Even more confusing. I just received a shipment of skin care products; Michael Todds to be exact, I purchased about a week or two ago. I tried it out today and I already love the stuff.  Ive heard really good things about this brand and all the youtube gurus rave about it. I wanna use it for a bit longer to see how my skin reacts to it. And when I've given it a good few days of trial-ing, I'll do a full in-depth review :) I wish I could do more of a first impressions post but unfortunately I am in exam mode so this post will have to wait until after my exams. I did however take a study break today to take some pics of the products and have a mini pamper sesh. Anyway back to study mode now. Good luck to everyone else in exam week. Just keep percervering!!! I believe in you and so does Ryan Gosling ;)